HillcrestBlog by "San Diego News Service" (619) 757-4909

"San Diego News Service" covers hard news, features and reviews for local and national print media, and maintains, "HillcrestBlog." Address: 3907 Georgia St., #15, San Diego 92103-3548. Our editor is Leo E. Laurence, J.D., Copy Ed.: Martin Brickson. Member: Society of Professional Journalists, Latino Journalists of California. Call news tips to (619) 757-4909 (days), Nights: (619) 220-8686 (fax also). leopowerhere@msn.com Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


San Diego -- FAGS continue to hit community college campuses in San Diego, and are creating quite a stir.
Their story is in the current issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine, available largely in Hillcrest ("Obelisk") and North Park. Dozens of copies of the community newspaper with the exclusive story on FAGS are being regularly distributed - albeit surreptitiously - at City, Mesa and Miramar community colleges.
The published Zenger's story is creating quite a stir on those three campuses, according to Jay Murley, a "City" student and a leader of the multi-campus FAGS organization.
FAGS is actually the acronym of a student group called Fellowship of Associated Gay Students and their straight allies.
Their initial appearance at "City" college downtown was dramatically revealed with a single, crudely-made, poster that simply read, FAGS are Back!
While the word "fags" has historically be used by homophobics to condemn and insult Gays, these gay students are converting the word into a positive statement.
A similar semantic conversion occurred years ago as young, gay students decided to begin calling themselves queers. They started organizations like Queer Youths, and their semantical conversion was highly successful, even on a national scale.
The FAGS movement on some, San Diego community college campuses has seriously upset some of the college administrators, particularly those who are believed to be lesbian. They told the FAGS leaders that any gay student organization should include the letter "L" for lesbian in its title. The FAGS organizers rejected that contention.
One City College administrator, Student Services Administrator Michele Montanez, said in a journalist's interview that the name FAGS was "inappropriate" name for a student organization.
When asked why, Montanez said the word was an unlawful "hate word."
Unfortunately, she is wrong, as a matter of law.
The word "fags" becomes a hate word only when it is used in anger, and a felony if accompanied with the threat of violence.
The word FAGS as used by these community-college, gay students is fully protected by the First Amendment, as a matter of Constitutional law.
Murley has hinted at legal action in confronting the "City" administration head-on.
"Attempting to mediate the situation, Associated Student person J. Shannon has suggested that some of the Fellowship of Associated Gay Students, legally a/k/a FAGS, in include me should meet with you (sic)," Murley wrote in an e-mail.
"I believe Denise Whisenhunt's presence would be counter-productive as she has earned FAGS' and my personal distrust," Murley added.
"I suspect that her Columbus School of Law 'Yes on 8' loyalties are questionably causing unethical opposition to FAGS.
"I believe that by banning our use of prepared promotional materials, she has unethically violated our First Amendment rights to deliberately stunt our membership growth in a reduced Rush Week," Murley wrote.
"I believe it will be useful for all concerned to discuss the distinctions between Free Speech on the one hand, and authorized student organizations' names, advisors and promotional materials on the other hand," wrote 'City" vice president of student services, in response to Murley's communications.
"Doesn't the First Amendment apply to both the name of the organization, and its promotional materials," questioned one legal scholar.
"The club expects to be recognized to represent NO on 8 in 2008 on your campus, as we attract attention by distributing free condoms for safer sex," Murley wrote in a response to White's e-mail.
"The proposed activities, as outlined in your e-mail, are not a problem," City administrator White explained in yet another e-mail with Murley.
"The problem remains with the proposed acroynm," White emphasized.
"Three 'City' students (Tuesday) afternoon talked at length about the (Zenger's) article, one looking forward to the next piece when "(the reporter) exposes Black Oklahoman homophobe Dean (of Student Affairs) Denise Wisenhunt (he called her Whistling cunt)," Murley reported to this HillcrestBlog.
It appears that the controversy at the "City" college campus is far from over, and may end up in court as a battle over First Amendment, free-speech rights.
Copyright, 2008, by Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com (619) 757-4909


San Diego -- A San Diego attorney who has received over one million dollars fighting to remove the cute seals at the so-called Childrens' Pool in La Jolla, wants still more money.
Lawyer Paul Kennerson won a court order on September 19th requiring the City of San Diego to dredge the ocean-side pool. That will restore the famous beach to its 1931 configuration as a "bathing pool," rather than a sandy beach where harbor seals have historically rested and gave birth annually to their seal pups.
Kennerson was in court on September 30th seeking an Order to have the seals dispersed immediately, before the dredging. And, he was able to accumulate more billable hours at the unusual hearing.
"There's nothing in the court's September order that says the seals have to be despersed now," before the dredging, said attorney Bryan Pease of the Animal Protection and Rescue League of Hillcrest. The APRL has been in the forefront of efforts to protect the seals in La Jolla.
The dredging, however, cannot be done until the City first obtains state and federal permits, according to Pease.
"Kennerson hates the seals and thinks they create a nuisance for swimmers and prevcents people from using the beach, Pease added.
But, lawyer Kennerson isn't happy with that. He is threatening to do away with the seal ASAP.
Kennerson, by the way, represents a Venezuela citizen - Valerie O'Sullivan - who lives in New Zealand, not in La Jolla.
Representing his absentee client, Kennerson tried a legal procedural device on Tuesday (9/30) that would - if successful - re-write the court's September 19th Order and force the City to begin dredging immediately.
He tried to get an ex-parte court Order to accomplish his campaign to force the seals off the beach. If successful, that would have meant no seal pups this year, because their critical pupping season doesn't begin until December.
Ex Parte court Orders, however, are restricted to emergency situations where, unless the Court acts without hearing the case fully on its merits, irreparable injury would result. Obviously, that condition didn't apply here.
So, on Tuesday September 30th, Superior Court Judge Yuri Hoffman thwarted attorney Kennerson's odd procedural move, and ordered full briefings by both sides (Kennerson and the City), and set a hearing on the merits for Oct. 21st.
"If the court re-writes its Order (of Sept, 19th), it will be a pretty extreme thing. But, I wouldnt be susprised," Pease remarked in an interview.
Copyright 2008 by journalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D., leopowerhere@msn.com (619) 757-4909

Monday, September 29, 2008


San Diego -- Prop-8 supporters are ignoring and distorting the law in their massive TV campaign.
With millions of dollars pouring into their campaign supporting Prop-8, which adds an amendment to the state Constitution and overturns the state Supreme Court's March '08 decision legalizing gay marriages.
But, a key argument in their campaign is that the voters in 2000 passed Prop-22 by a substantial margin, and it defined marriage as only between a man and woman. That must be respected, even though it was unconstitutional!
The problem with this basic argument is that it is contrary to our fundimental Constitutional laws.
As the state's high court clearly said, "Voters cannot (as with Prop. 22 in 2000) pass a law that is unconstitutional and expect it to be enforced. That's not the way our system works."
For example, suppose a well-funded statewide campaign convinced voters to pass an initiative that wives were the property of their husbands, and had to do whatever their husbands wanted.
That would obviously be unconstitutional; and when challenged in court, be declared unconstitutional.
That's what happened to Prop-22 in 2000.
But, the proponents of Prop-8 now are using that unconstitutional initiative to bolster their argument that their bigoted ballot amendment should be passed.
Unfortunately, many on the far right, including thousands of the dedicated evalgelical church members, will march to the polls in November obsessed with their religous mission to vote in support of Prop-8.
Many of those religous zealots are seniors. Historically, seniors vote in a higher percentage than does the general population.
Karl Rove knew that and put gay marriage on the ballot in Ohio years ago. It worked. Those militant evangelicals voted in massive numbers and Ohio went for Bush.
Prop-8 now has Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it.
If he - and Republicans - can mobilize the evangelicals to march to the polls in November in California - they will also vote for McCain.
For the first time in decades, this state may go Repuiblican because Prop-8 is on the ballot. That will get the radical-right and evalgelicals to come out to the polls, even if they have to be in wheelchairs to do it. It's because they believe God says to do it!
With McCain's health and age a serious problem, his election will probably result in President Sarah Palin!
Imagine that inexperienced - but, young and "cute," and who gets messages "directly" from God - becoming the most powerful person in the whole world!
A McCain election will also mean that he will appoint two members of the U.S. Supreme Court, replacing the two liberal members who are expected to retire soon.
By replacing them with conservatives, we can expect the high-court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Lawrence v. Texas (which overturned Texas sodomy laws that were used to prosecute Gays in mass numbers).
That high-court will become extremely conservative for the next several decades. Womens' and Gay rights will be dead in the water.
For some unknown reasons, Sen. Obama and his young campaign have largely ignored this important issue of supreme-court appointments.
The presidential election is extremely close.
Because Americans have been histporically racist, Obama still has a steep hill to climb to win, and Prop-8 still has a good chance of passing.
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence, 2008, leopowerhere@msn.com, (619) 757-4909


La Jolla -- A San Diego lawyer - Paul Kennerson - aka the anti-seal lawyer - has made over one million dollars in fees trying to kill the seals' baby pups at Casa Beach in La Jolla.
Tomorrow, Sept. 30th, he will be making more money as he tries to obtain a court order from Superior Court judge Yuri Hoffman (Dept. 60) during an emergency hearing to force the immediate dispersal of seals at the so-called Children's Pool in La Jolla.
Thousands of parents bring their little children to that pool for the only opportunity locally to see seals, and their baby pups, up close.
But, Kennerson and his client, Valerie Sullivan, who is a Vezsula citizen and has lived in New Zealand for the past two years, want a court order to force the city to remove the seals - immediately!
That means the certain death of the seals' pups. Their pupping season begins in December.
Judge Hoffman ordered on September 19th the city to initiate the "dredging portion" of a court order requiring the city to restore Casa Beach to its 1931 configuration as a "bathing pool."
However, the city must obtain state and federal permits to dredge.
The order said nothing about dispersing seals prior to dredging, according to attorney Bryan Pease, counsel for the Animal Protection and Rescue League of Hillcrest.
So far, the court has ordered the city to pay lawyer Kennerson over $1 million in attorney fees, and millions more to dredge the beach, all in the name of his absentee, foreign client.
"It is a total violation of separation of powers for a court to take on the role of a legislative body in mandating that millions of dollars of taxpayer money be used to remove a beach simply because an arcane state law says the beach used to be an artificial bathing pool," says attorney Pease.
"The state legislature could save the city millions of dollars by simply mending the 1931 law to eliminate the phony requirement the state court has read into it requiring the city to excavate the beach in 2008, a requirement that is actually illegal if ordered done without necessary permits," Pease added.
Kennerson did not return a phone call requesting comment.
Copyright, 2008, by journalist Leo E. Laurence, leopowerhere@msn.com (619) 757-4909

Sunday, September 28, 2008


North Park -- In New York City's Greenwich Village, some of the most fantastic art works are found in small galleries hidden on narrow side streets.
In North Park, a similar example is the Ricardo Vela Fine Art & Photography Gallery hidden in a residential neighborhood at 2923 Upas Street (619) 546-9135).
Vela is a short, intense U.S.-born Mexican who also serves as the regular News Anchor/Producer for KBNT-TV channel 17 in San Diego. Additionally, he write a weekly column for the el Latino newspaper. In 2001 he was named one of the 100 Most-Influential hispanic journalists in the country.
In 1983, by earning second-place in the National Art Contest, he was allowed to exhibit in the world famous Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City.
In 1992, Vela received an Emmy for a TV story about a Latino family coping with the last days of AIDS and how they prepared their children for the loss.
In 2006, he received two Emmy nominations; one for outstanding achievement on health/science coverage and another for an-camera talent.
In 2004, Vela started a morning radio show, Voces de San Diego, that was recognized for excellence by the San Diego Press Club.
The San Diego City Council proclaimed February 6, 2006 as Ricardo Vela Day in recognition of his contributions to the Latino community.
In 2004, Vela was named one of the ten most-inflouential Latinos in San Diego by the Frontera newspaper.
In 2006, he received a blue-ribbon award at the North Park Art Fair.
He has studied business administration at the Instituto Technologico de Cuidad Juarez in Mexico, and studied masscommunications at the University of Texas at El Paso. His post-graduate studies include Columbia College and the Art Institute in Chicago.
"Normally, I do abstracts. My photography is very different," Vela said candidly.
His oils use strong, bold strokes of very bright blues, yellows, reds and everything in between. There's nothing subtle about Vela's canvases.
His photographs are both artistic close-ups of flowers - in which he sees metaphorical stories - to photo-journalism that tell dramatic stories from the barrio.
Prices range from $80 for a 16" x 20" B/W photo printed on metalic paper, to $3,200 for Windows, a 36" x 48" oil.
The current exhibition runs through Oct. 31st, when it will be replaced by a show by three other artists and is to be called el Dia de Muerte (the Day of the Dead, marking the religous observance of halloween in Mexico).
Vela's oils, prints and photographic works now on display in his North Park gallery will be moved to the artist's gallery in Palm Desert for the duration of the Day-of-the-Dead exhibit.
Vela's gallery is open to the public on Thursdays and Fridays from 4 - 7 pm, and on Saturday and Sundays from 4 - 8 pm; and weekdays by appointment.

Vela is really into multi-media, and in 2007 published a book on his photo-journalism called Saliendo de las Sombras (Out of the Shadows).
"In 2006 San Diego, like the rest of the country, saw the full force of the Latino Community in the awakening of the movement to criminalize undocumented immigrants, separate families and create an economic crisis. Those who until then had been hidden in the shadows came out and their voices rumbled all the way to Capitol Hill," Vela writes in his book's introduction.
Some might say he's a better photo-journalist than painter, but it's obvious in his gallery that he is a master of both!
Vela can be reached at (619) 757-6516 and his website is at http://www.ricardovelaphotography.com/ .
Copyright, 2008 by Journalist Leo E. Laurence, leopowerhere@msn.com (619) 757-4909

Friday, September 26, 2008


Balboa Park -- "I would have understood it more if I knew what they were talking about," said author/publisher Sam Warren of Hillcrest about Back, Back, Back; a play appearing through Oct. 26th at the Old Globe Arena theatre in the San Diego Museum of Art building.
That's a fatal criticism of a stage play.
If the audience doesn't understand the story as it unfolds on stage, the show is dead! You had to be a serious baseball fan to comprehend this show.
Neither Warren nor I even understood what the title of the play was about, or what it meant. And, after seeing the play, I still don't.
Allegedly, the play was about the use of steroids in major-league baseball. But, the characters in the play never used the word steroids. It was directed by Davis McCallum, written by Resident Artistic Director Darko Tresnjak and performed in the Museum of Art's James S. Copley auditorium and retains the intimacy of the former Cassius Carter Centre Stage of nearly the same size.
It appeared that handsome Joaquin Perez-Campbell was cast in the lead role of Raul based primarily on his beautiful body: tall, trim, smooth and with very a muscular chest.
His acting as "bad boy Raul," who was kinda dumb, was superb and far better than the other two characters of Kent (Brendan Griffin) and Adam (Nick Mills); neither of whom were standouts in their roles.
The most memorable scene was when Raul was undressing in his locker room, and stripped down to his jock strap. He was great to look at.
The script was far too wordy. Perhaps that was intentional, but there were several times that the wordy dialogue got in the way of story telling.
The only applause from the theatre-in-the-round audience occurred after a very long and windy diatribe attacking the news media, and specifically sports writers. Otherwise, the nearly half-house audience was largely quiet, except for a few giggles now and then.
The show ran for nearly two hours without an intermission. The applause at the "curtain call" was only polite.

I didn't understand the title of the play.
I didn't understand much of the story.
And, when the show opened, the Stars Spangled Banner was playing, and nobody in the largely seniors audience stood up.
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence, leopowerhere@msn.com (619) 757-4909



Hillcrest -- "The goal (of Hillcrest Business Association treasurer Cecelia) Moreno, Crest Cafe owner, is to bankrupt the (HBA) and put it out of business," said Ruth Harrison, former assistant director, a person who knows where all the HBA skeletons are hidden.
The HBA has over $341,000 in tax funds, and about $45,000 in receivables, Harrison reported in an exclusive interview.
Behind the scenes, the HBA's board of directors is mired in ugly battles and personal power plays, particularly by its vice president, Nancy Moors (owner, HillQuest.com).
Moors has frequently called herself the president pro tem, though no such office exists in the organization's ByLaws.
"Nancy, (her partner and HBA director Ann) Garwood and HBA president Michael Wright (owner of City Deli) are malicious. Michael is (Nancy's) monkey. He does whatever she tells him to do," Harrison said.
Wright seems especially shy presiding over the HBA's board meetings, particularly because he doesn't seem to know elemental rules of parlimentary procedure.
The organization of Hillcrest business owners has a very long history of intentionally and knowingly violating its owns ByLaws and the state's Brown Act.
"They will do whatever they want to do," Harrison added.
"They will do it because they think they can get away with it."
So far, they are right. Nobody in the Hillcrest business community seems to care that their business-tax money is going into a disreputable organization.
"These people deserve some watching so that some of the (HBA's) money doesn't go into their own pockets," Harrison explained.
For example, last year the HBA donated $10,000 to the Hillcrest History Guild, run by Moors and Garfield. That money went with the proviso that an accounting of the spending of those funds would be provided by the year's end.
The accounting was never provided, and the HBA's board seems unconcerned about it. Some believe the money may have allegedly been used to pay for Moors' mortgage or personal bills.
Also, the HBA pays the Off-Duty Officers company $6,000 a month to patrol Hillcrest, particularly University Avenue. That contract was a no-bid contract, in alleged violation of the HBA's contract with the City of San Diego.
"I've never seen an ODO (security) officer on patrol in Hillcrest," said San Diego Police Community Relation's Officer David Surwilo. He is headquartered on University Avenue in the Uptown District.
The HBA's longtime executive director, Warren Simon, has resigned.
"He was forced out by Nancy (Moors) and (president) Wright," Harrison said.
"They (Moors and Wright) think we (Simon and Harrison) are too old and too old fashioned," she added. Harrison is younger than Moors.
The HBA recently amended its ByLaws using mail ballots.
Was it legal? Probably not.
"This office (of the state Attorney General in Sacramento) has long disapproved . . . the casting of mail ballots," an analysis of the state's Brown Act stresses (emphasis added).
"We know they (Moors and Wright) are going to cook the books," Harrison said bluntly.
"But, it seems nobody in Hillcrest cares," Harrison added.
The HBA's annual meeting is scheduled for October 14th at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District at 5 pm. Those targeted for removal as directors - because they are independent thinkers - are 2nd vice president Sissy Isham, 2nd trustee Cindy Lehman and Alex Marin.
"Chris Shaw (owner, Urban Mo's and Baja Betty's) is dirty in all this. He (and Moors) initiate a lot of this at his regular Marketing Committee meetings which serve as de facto executive committee meetings," Harrison said.
"Those meetings are not noticed publicly," said Crowder, "as required by the Brown Act."
"They (Moors, Wright et al) are using Chris Shaw and he doesn't realize it. He has a conscience; however, which is something they do not have," Harrison stated.
"I understand these people (HBA directors) don't like each other . . . but I got caught in the bad politics of that board and it angers me," said longtime community activist Leo Wilson.
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909.



Balboa Park -- "You won't believe the most disgusting creature I just saw."
"Yeh, tell me. I've seen some really strange ones.
"Well, for one thing, they are really BIG. At least 10 times bigger than we are.
"They are almost hairless, except for a few blotches in certain places, and in those places there is a lot of hair.
"That's just the beginning. They poop and piss in a special spot, which is OK until you discover they all share the same spot.
They stink something awful and they know it.
"They can be quite ferocious.
"Oh no, here comes one now.
"I'm outta here!"
That is a simulated conversation between two bugs, talking about humans, from a book Animal Grossology by Sylvia Branzei and illustrated by Jack Keely. It's the foundation for a new and dramatic exhibit just opening at the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park.
Kids - and adults - will love it because they will learn when a loud FART is totally natural . . . and, acceptable.
"What (a cow) doesn't need from its food, it expels in a burp or a fart," said Paul M. Siboroski, the Fleet's Exhibits' Director in an interview.
"That is vividly demonstrated by a life-size, animated cow with a clear Plexiglas side. It's stomach is represented by a Rube Goldberg-type machine that hilariously describes a cow's bizarre, 4-stomach digestive system," explained the Fleet's Public Relations' Director, Jeremy Pyle in another interview.
"The process of loudly burping and farting is part of the (cow's) whole digestive process. It all works together," says Siboroski.
Another of the 16 inter-active exhibits in Animal Grossology at the Fleet just opening is a 6-foot-long, animated talking fly. This is technology that Walt Disney invented for Disneyland back in the 60's and for movies like the Pirates of the Caribbean.
"Basically, it's a robotic creature that look real. His name is Frankie and he has a New York accent.
"You press certain levers and it talks about its manners, hygiene and locomotion; such as how a fly can walk on the ceiling, and why it vomits on food before it eats it. They don't have teeth, so they have to dissolve food before they can consume it," Pyle explained.
"This is a highly-coveted exhibit that will be here for 2-1/2 months until January 9th, and will even be open Christmas Day," Pyle added.
The entire Science Center includes over 120 exhibits - including Animal Grossology, in 10 collections.
School classes can call for a student field trip by calling the Fleet's client services at (619) 238-1233.
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Next Spring, the Latino Film Festival will highlight Spanish cinema in cooperation with the Spanish Film Instituate and the Spanish Consulate. The half-million dollars event will be the biggest in its 16-yer history, and its organizers - the Media Arts Center - is seeking major sponsorships.


San diegan Sam Warren actuallyu survived the d

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


San Diego -- Former astronaut Sally Ride is costing the San Diego County Public Law Library Foundaton $10,000 -- money that would buy a LOT of books.
The foundation is the fund-raising arm of the Law Library, with its main facility downtown, plus branches in the east, north and south sections of the county.
Every year, the foundation holds a huge annual, banquet to raise money for the library, which is seriously under-funded by the county government.
To attract more people this year - the 50th anniversary of the main Law Library building at Front/C Streets downtown - organizers hired former astronaut Sally Ride as the keynote speaker.
But, with the economic downturn, "we didn't raise enough money in sponsorships to pay for Sally Ride's speaking fee, and she is keeping a $10,000 deposit," said event organizer George W. Brewster, Jr., Esq. in an e-mail to this journalist.
"That, and our inability to get a 'wow' speaker (in these last two weeks) to help draw people to the event, forced a CANCELLATION.
"Now the law library has a $10,000 loss to one of its foundation accounts," Brewster wrote.
What a bitch! And, I don't use that term "bitch" lightly.
"Unfortunately, this fundraiser (that is cancelled was to) earn money for two nonprofits . . . which helps those who can't afford legal cousel, among other things, and (helps) the courhouse museum in Old Town which is seeking money for repairs and new flooring so when the 4th graders come to visit they have a better place to sit, not faces a loss thanks to Ride," Brewster added.
"I offered to pay something less than the 10K for her agent's fees, etc.; but they wouldn't budge off keeping the full 10K!" Brewster wrote.
Sally Ride has delt a serious blow to the Law Library Foundation, and hundreds of books will not be purchased because of her.
What a bitch!
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909


San Diego -- A Catch-22 situation is developing in the November election for supporters of Obama for president, but who also oppose Prop-8 (it will abolish gay marriages in California).
"Could Sen. Obama's popularity among black voters hurt gay couples who want to marry?" asks a recent New York Times article.
Obama is opposed to Prop-8, and has said so.
But, "many black voters" are traditionally conservative on social issues involving homosexuality, and "they could pour into voting stations to vote for the Obama ticket - and then cast a vor FOR Prop-8," the N-Y-T said.
"There's no question that African-American and Latino voters are among our strongest supporters," said Frank Schubert, co-campaign manager for 'Yes on 8,' the leading group behind the measure.
"To blunt that possibility, gay leaders and Prop-8 opponents have been sponsoring casual events at restaruants in traditionally black neightborhoods in L.A., meeting with black clergy and recruiting black couples to serve on panels and at house parties and church events," the N-Y-T article reported.
No similar actions are reported in the San Diego area.
"This is black people talking to black people," said Ron Buckmire, heading a coalition of gay-rights groups in L.A. "We're saying, 'Gay people are black and black people are Gay. If you are voting conservative on an antigay ballot measure, you are hurting the black community'," the N-Y-T added.
Black voters account of 6 percent of likely voters in most statewide election, while Latinos make up about 15 percent. Taken together, those two groups could easily decide a close election, including the vote on Prop-8.
Both sides on the anti-gay issue of Prop-8 have raised a combined $30 million, with donations supporting the initiative "considerably ahead" of the opposition, according to the Los Angeles Times.
One poll shows Prop-8 is trailing, but one study shows that voters, when questioned by pollsters and driven by 'political correctness,' substantially underreport their opposition to gay civil-rights issues.
Perhaps those in the black community may be unaware that their community's most militant members have historically supported gay civil-rights issues.
For example, when Gay-Lib was first being launched in San Francisco, months before the Stonewall riots, the Black Panther Party publicly supported the actions of the militant Committee for Homosexual Freedom in San Francisco.
It ran full-page statements supporting gay rights in its B-P-P newspaper, and it also trained the gay activists in legal tactics and strategy.
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Zengers Newsmagazine is the only community newspaper in San Diego that runs no display advertising; and dares to print unconventional stories that other news media won't touch. Find it at the Obelist Bookstore in Hillcrest!

Zenger's - which is distributed largely in Hillcrest, North Park and Ocean Beach - regularly prints exposes of politicans and other "leaders" who violate the public trust. It is also distributed in North County, San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles/West Hollywood, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Minneapolis.

Published by pioneering editor Mark Conlan of North Park, the newspaper's name is taken from the colonial journalist John Peter Zenger of the early New York, well before it became a city. When he went after Gov. William Cosby of the colonial New York Colony, he was arrested and charged with sedition and libel.

Noted lawyer Alexander Hamilton defended Zenger and won in 1735, though many leading lawyers though the case was "unwinnable."

Hamilton succesfully tried a legal procedure that had never been used before. He challenged the legality of the criminal laws for which his client - Zenger - was being prosecuted. It was the first time in American jurisprudence that a lawyer challenged the laws, rather fight primarily for the innocence of his client.

The jurors were stunned and didn't know how to, or even if they were allowed to, address whether the law itself was illegal.

Today, that is a common procedure in some major criminal cases, and is called a "nullity." It is where the law can be declared illegal, usually on constitutional grounds, and therefore cannot be enforced.

Hamilton had also argued that the articles printed by Zenger could not be libelous because they were based on fact. And now today, truth is still a total defense to a charge of libel or slander under New York and California law.

As a result, Zenger's work as an investigative journalist was extremely important to the development of freedom-of-the-press in America, now enshrined in our First Amendment.

The Zenger decision helped clarify the fundimental beliefs of early Colonial life and laid the groundwork for the basic responsibilities of both the media and government in a functioning democracy.

It is to promote and follow those fundimental principals that Zenger's Newsmagazine is now published each month by Conlan !!!

In its October issue, now available; you will find dramatic, revealing stories including the following, among others:

(1) Why Stephen Whitburn is better than Todd Gloria for City Council,

(2) unusual finances of the Hillcrest Town Council (money kept in envelopes?),

(3) former lawyer Leo Wilson's disciplinary background,

(4) secrets of Tijuana jails/prisons (inside Sam Warren's startling book: "Tales from Tijuana Jails"),

(5) Animal-Rights Advocates molilize for Prop-2;

(6) Homeland Security's Reign-of-Terror

(7) "FAGS" militants on community-college campuses, and

Other stories on Zenger's website (http://zengersmag.blogspot.com/) include:

(1) Exposing Skeletons of the Hillcrest Business Association.

(2) the resurgance of the hated 301 University project.

(3) Temporary Closing of the famed IMAX Planetarium at the Fleet Science Center

(4) NBC Denies censoring Gay Olympic Diver.

Zenger's editor, Mark Conlan, can be reached at mgconlan@earthlink.net or call (619) 688-1886.
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909

Saturday, September 20, 2008


"Phishing" messages on the Internet by on-line criminals pretending to be banks and even the I-R-S are dramatically escalating. One Hillcrest resident reports receiving 45 within a one-month period.

It has become such a major problem nationwide and the issue has even penetrated the comics.

"'Phishing' is a scam that uses e-mail messages that PRETEND to come from legitimate businesses such as banks, internet service providers and retailers," said an expert in the Mary Worth comic strip by Karen Moy and Joe Geilla on Sept. 19th. Worth, the leading character in the comic strip, had recently become a victim of identity theft after having opened and used a phishing e-mail.

"Some scammers might pretend to be an online store. They typically ask for verification of account numbers or other personal info!" the expert said.

Banks and reputable businesses do not use e-mail to communicate with their customers, though they may use a legitimate website to sell products - but not e-mails.

The phising scammers will use a bank's actual logos and appear very legitimate. A recent e-mail alleging to be from the I-R-S looked like it had copied an official I-R-S letterhead to make it look letigimate; then asked for critical, personal information.

With a person's social secuity number and date-of-birth, a scammer can open a bank account in your name, or drain your bank accounts of all your money.

Identity theft is a major crime wave in the United States, and using fake e-mails, it is growing rapidly.

Do NOT open any e-mail allegedly from a bank or government office. If they want to communicate with you, then will do so in the mail, but never via e-mail.

For more information on protecting yourself against identity theft and phishing, contact the Privacy Rights Clearing House, 3100 Fifth Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 (Beth Givens, Director), Tel: (619) 298-3396

Author/publisher Sam Warren of San Diego also suggested those interested can also go to www.http//urbanlegends.about


Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909



FAGS is the acronym for the Fellowship of Associated Gay Students and is a rapidly growing, militant, gay movement on community college campuses in San Diego county.

Some college admistrators - particularly lesbians - are NOT happy.

The letter "L" lesbian is not included in the name - and therefore isn't in the acronym, either - and that annoys the dykes. But, historically, going back to the pre-Stonewall days of the launching of Gay-Lib in San Francisco, lesbians were adamantly opposed to militant Gay Liberation then, also. Old news.

The FAGS organization is being spearheaded by its founding president, Jason Frye, 28, of North Park in San Diego. He lives with a pioneeer of the gay movement, Jay Murley, who - like me - prefers the company of young people to our senior peers.

Another young gay student living at Murley's and who is active in the FAGS organization is Glen Echon, 22, a slender Phillipino with gay activism running through his veins. Fortunately, both Frye and Echon have the movement expertise and advice of Murley, who is ready to take on the opposing college administrators . . . NOW!

These young gay students want (1) something with an edge, (2) something attention-grabbing and fun, and (3) to take back the word "fags" from the homophobics. What they are doing is working!

A few years ago, young-gay-college students did the same semantical upset by "taking back" the word "queer." Rather than a hate word used by hostile homophobics, the students began calling themselves queers, positively! And, it worked!

The FAGS organizations at several community colleges in the San Diego area have common goals: they want (1) to promote safe sex, (2) marriage equality for Gays (and to defeat California's Prop.-8 in the November election, something that is NOT yet a certainly), and (3) the right to use the FAGS name.

As to the use of the name, a City College administrator, Michelle Montanez, incorrectly told this journalist that it is a "hate" word, and therefore not protected by the First Amendment.

As a matter of Constitutional law, however, she is wrong. If the word is used in hostility, as in an an attack on someone, it is not protected. It becomes a felony if it is accompanied with a demonstrable threat of physical violence. However, when the word is used as a self-identifier, and is used positively, then it is protected by the First Amendment. There is a plethora of case law in support of this.

We can expect BIG, and possibly dramatic, developments from these gay college students of the FAGS organizations.

Also, the word "militant" is used in this story differently than the way it is used in the mainstream media. It does NOT mean terrorist, or violent, or criminal. It simply refers to actions by persons - the FAGS students herein - who are one step beyond the more passive, polite, sometimes prudish "activists" that are seen in many contemporary, communisty organizations. And, they scare the hell out of the closet queens!
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com, or call (619) 757-4909.


For years, I have been hanging out with sailors (and sometimes Marines) at Riley's Music & Sports Lounge in Pt. Loma. It's a large bar in the Quality Inn hotel located at Rosecrans and Nimitz.

Riley's has two large pool tables and one of the sailors, Gary Pfeifer of Texas, taught me how to play a couple years ago (he's now on a cruiser in Mayport, FL). I'm pretty good at it and have a decent reputation at Riley's, as long as I continue to practice; which I do every weekend with the sailors.

Riley's is located just a few blocks from the nearby Naval Sonar School at Naval Base, Pt. Loma. Other than the enlisted nuclear rate, it's the toughest technical school in the Navy. These sonar sailors are really smart and sharp!!!

But, most of them have a huge, BIG problem.

They are addicted to nicotine.

Most of the sailors that I hang out with cannot go more than an hour without a cigarette. That means they can usually only play about one game of pool, or if they stretch it - maybe two, before they have to stop and go outside for a smoke. Nothing gets in the way of that all-important, must-have, cigarette!

The parking lot in front of the bar almost ALWAYS has several sailors from the bar outside dragging on their cigarettes.

And, the Navy isn't doing much about it!

They have some of the standard medical treatments available, but they are not pushed.

Combating nicotine adiction is NOT a major priority for the local Navy.

Combating alcoholism is a priority, however. If a sailor gets into a fight, or has an auto accident, because he/she has been drinking, they go to non-judicial Captain's Mast and that's on their permanent record.

But combating smoking addition, and the massive health risk that it poses, if NOT a prority for the Navy in San Diego.

Hopefully, the local media will pick up on this.
Copyright by journalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com, or call (619) 757-4909.

Friday, September 19, 2008


While California has historically gone democratic in presidential elections, it may go republican in November. That would spell disaster for Gays in the state, and for our national government.

Republican electoral mastermind Karl Rove knew that he could bring out the republican vote in Ohio in the past by putting gay civil rights on the ballot. And, it worked!

Now, we have the same scenario coming up this November.

The issue of gay marriages is on the ballot in California, and rich republicans and wealthy conservatives throughout the nation are pouring very BIG money into the battle to pass Proposition-8. It will overturn the state Supreme Court's historic ruling last March that legalized gay marriages.

The republican conservatives and right-wing evalgelicals are mobilizing BIG TIME to pass Proposition-8.

And, the Gay Community is not as well mobilized! Nor it is as well funded!!!

The evangelicals will dutifully "march" to the polls in November to vote in favor of Prop.-8, and vote for McCain while they are at it.

There's another major problem that Obama and democrats are not emphasing during the presidential campaign. That's the fact that the next president will be appointing at least one - and probably two - members of the U.S. Supremem Court.

Two of the progressive members of that high court are very old. They will be retiring sometime in the next four years, and will be replaced by either Obama or McCain.

If it is McCain, his appointments will create an overwhelmingly conservative majority on the nation's high court. That means historic decisions like Roe v. Wade, and the landmark gay-rights ruling from Texas that abolished sodomy laws against Gays (Lawrence v. Texas), will be OVERTURNED.

Gay marriages will be abolished!

Without question, and I've been covering elctions for over 40-years, the gay-rights movement will be returned to its pre-Stonewall status of the early 60s.
Copyright by jounalist Leo E. Laurence, J.D., leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909


"The goal (of Hillcrest Business Association treasurer Cecelia Moreno; owner, Crest Cafe) is to bankrupt the organization and put it out of business," said Ruth Harrison, the former HBA assistant director who knows where the skeletons are buried. She said she heard Moreno say it.

The HBA has over $341,000 in business tax funds and about $45,000 in receivables, Harrison reported in an exclusive interview.

Behind the scenes, the HBA is mired in ugly battles between its directors and personal power plays, particularly by its vice president, lesbian activist Nancy Moors, part owner of Hillquest.com.

"Nancy, (her partner HBA director Ann) Garwood and HBA president Michael Wright (owner, City Deli) are malicious. Michael is (Nancy's) monkey. He does whatever she tells him to do," Harrison said.

Wright seems especially shy while presiding over the HBA's monthly board meetings, and has demonstrated that he doesn't know elemental rules of parlimentary procedure.

"Nancy has said she is the president pro tem ever since she was elected last year," Harrison explained. There is no provision for a president pro tem in the HBA's ByLaws.

The organization has a very long history of violating state laws, particularly the Brown Act, and its own byLaws.

"They do whatever they want to," Harrison explained. "They will do it because they (the HBA's board of directors) think they can get away with it."

And, they are getting away with it, and have been for years! The business community in Hillcrest shows no interest.

"These people (HBA directors) deserve some watching so that some of the (HBA's) money doesn't go into their own pockets."

Much more on this story will be published in the next issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine, due to hit the streets about September 25th.
Copyright by reporter Leo E. Laurence leopowerhere@msn.com, or call (619) 757-4909

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Many gay men living or working in Hillcrest are well aware of it, particularly gay seniors.

The lesbians are "taking-over" Hillcrest.

It started with the so-called "Gay Center," aka the LGBT Center. (Notice that the letter "L" is first in that acronym, representing lesbians; even though numerically there are more gay men than lesbians in Hillcrest. Longtime gay activist Jay Murley has pointed this out many times in community meetings.

Oh, there are several token Gays in the "Lesbian Center's" organizational structure; but let's face it, lesbians are calling the shots inside the so-called "Gay Center."

Now two lesbians, Ann Garwood and Nancy Moors, are taking over the public-funded Hillcrest Business Association (HBA). And, nobody - except for board members like Scott Crowder - is doing anything about it.

They have maneuver to get rid of Warren Simon, the longtime executive director of the HBA. He recently resigned.

And, they fired Ruth Harrison, the faithful assistant executive director and only person within the organization with the guts to stand up to the orders of Moors and her co-conspirators.

Indeed, though she only serves as the HBA vice president, Moors has told people that she is actually the "President pro tem," an office that doesn't exist under the HBA Bylaws. Moors is able to do this because the person she engineered to put into the office of the HBA president, Michael Wright, is a rather meek, shy person who doesn't even know the basic rules of parlimentary procedure and has been easily been pushed around by the much more forceful Moors.

Moors and Garfield are also conspiring to run the Hillcrest Town Council. That's really a misnomer because it's voting is open only to residents. Oddly, Leo Wilson, a former attorney who many believe to still be a practicing lawyer, is chairing the HTC even though he is a resident of Park West, and chairs the Park West/Banker's Hill Community Association.

Many Gays have asked the queston: when will the Gays in Hillcrest put a stop to the continuing control over community affairs being exercised by pushy lesbians?
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence, J.D. leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909.


Anytime I hear the word "fags," I challenge the speaker, especially if they are straight. I also don't like hearing the word "nigger" and I usually speak up whenever I hear it, too.

So, why am I excited that "FAGS" are a big issue on community college campuses in San Diego, and particularly at City College downtown where a lesbian (reportedly) administrator finds it offensive and "inappropriate" for an educational institution???

For years, there was an organization called the GLBT Student Union at City. But about 10 years ago, a lesbian teacher unilaterally - and, on her own - changed the name to the LGBT Student Union, putting lesbian first in the acronym.

Last year, student leader Jason Frye didn't like that and came up with a new name: "FAGS," for Fellowship of Associated Gay Students and straight supporters (there are many).

They made a crude sign that said "FAGS are Here!" and posted it on campus. It worked.

That created a stir, and quick opposition from a lesbian in the college administration. (She reportedly was upset because there was no "L" for lesbian in the name.)

Frye, 28, lives with a gay senior - Jay Murley - who likes the company of younger guys (more energy, adventure and excitment). Murley is a pioneer in the Gay Lib movement going back decades. He loves the controversy at City College, where he is also taking a class, and hence is also a student, albiet a senior.

Another young gay student - a Phillipino - also lives with Murley, Glen Echon, 22, and is similarly active in the new FAGS organization.

The controversy over the name FAGS quickly became "the" topic of conversation at City College. It was actually a brilliant way to promote the gay student organization.

Part of the reason for choosing the name, and therefore the FAGS acronym, is to "take back" the word from the homophobics. A few years ago, young Gays similarly "took back" the word queer. They began to proudly call themselves "queers," thereby removing the "hate" element away from its use. Some young African-Americans used the same technique successfully with the word "nigger." Many gay seniors, however, still have difficulty with this; but it seems to work for the younger "queers."

The campus, student newspaper, the City Times, even ran a front-page story on the controversy, published a half-page editorial in support, and ran a Man-on-the-Street type Q&A article.

The lesbian administrator says she doesn't like the name FAGS because it is a hate word.

But, isn't it protected by the first Amendment, she was aksed in an interview for this blog and a separate newspaper story?

"The First amendment doesn't protect hate words," she replied.

Actually, she is wrong.

In constitutional law, a word is considered a "hate" word only if used in hostility, as in a threat to harm someone. If that word is used complimentarily as a self-identifyer, it IS protected by the First Amendment. Apparently, the administrator had not discussed this with the campus lawyer.
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence
leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-4909

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


As a former firefighter, I learned early in that career that you had to be able to work with, and help, every kind of person and culture imaginable.

A firefighter cannot chose the type of people they serve.

But, four San Diego firefighters are proving that they cannot do just that, serve - and work with - anybody and everybody.

Therefore, they should be fired!!!

Those "men," firefighters John Ghiotto, Jason Hewitt, Alex Kane and Chad Allison, are currently suing the City of San Diego because they had to ride in (and had the protection of) a firetruck in the Gay Pride Parade in 2006.

These "men" couldn't handle the Gays and Lesbians attending that event, the largest public parade in the city.

These "men" said they were uncomfortable in the "sexually charged" atmosphere of the parade.

These "men" said they were uncomfortable seeing women with bare breasts. Oh, horrors! That's awful.

These "men" are outright, homophobic bigots.

They should have not have been allowed to serve at the Hillcrest fire station. After all, they might have to answer a call and see a woman with exposed breasts, and that would be awful.

Where is our lesbian fire chief in all this?

Why hasn't she made sure that the firefighters assigned to the Hillcrest fire station were sufficiently mature and trained in diversity issues?

Firefighers: if you don't like the heat (Gays), then get out of the kitchen (Hillcrest).

Those four complaining firefighters have not right to wear the uniform of a fireman.
Copyright by Leo E. Laurence leopowerhere@msn.com, or call (619) 757-4909

Monday, September 15, 2008


Generally, I don't trust people who don't trust me.

Example: Just before a regular weekly meeting of the Monday Night Gay Mens Discussion Group at "The Gay Center" in Hillcrest, I taped (audio) an interview - outside of the group's meeing room - with longtime gay activist Jay Murley, a participant of the group.

He had some strong opinions about the trendy nightclub Universal that opened last year at University & Vermont in the Uptown District of Hillcrest.

Universal - which reportedly cost $5.5 million to develop - has a capacity of nearly 1000 people, and on weekends it is often totally filled. Some nights the crowd had been so huge that the San Diego Fire Department sent investigators inside to limit the crowd.

That means literally hundreds of cars pour into the Uptown neighborhood every weekend. Where do they park? Universal provides NO parking, and a deal to park some valet-parking vehicles in the underground parking facility under Ralphs supermarket, fell through.

Unfortunately, the operators of Universal haven't been paying their bills, and nearly $500,000 in mechanics liens have been filed against the nightclub, PLUS lawsuits have been filed.

As a journalist, I'm doing a story on this. To get community reaction, I made a very short audio tape of Jay Murley outside the discussion group's room, and before the meeting began.

When the discussion group did begin, two of the participants didn't trust me. They wanted to be assured that my tape recorder was turned OFF.

I gave them that assurance just as I walked out of the meeting, saying that I didn't feel comfortable with the participants, and don't trust people who don't trust me.
Contact Leo E. Laurence, J.D. at leopowerhere@msn.com, or call (619) 757-4909.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Some "judges" that hear cases in Small Claims courts are really not actually judges; but rather temporary commissioners who preside over the hundreds of civil cases that are overloading the unique court.

Small Claims court provide a very simple procedure to hear complaints involving no more than $7,500 for individuals. Attorneys are not permitted to participate and the procedures are highly streamlined.

With a shortage of regular judges, the Small Claims division of The Superior Court hires local civil lawyers to preside over case, with permission of the litigants.

If you appear in Small Claims court, when asked by the bailiff it you will approve having one of these part-time lawyers hear your case, say NO loud and clear.

Quite frankly, I look at the Small Claims system from the perspective of having spent 10 years in the law. I hold a law degree, served 18-months as Law Clerk to the Superior Court when I was in law school; and after earning my law degree, I served as a legal research for the state Court of Appeal in San Diego for four years. I know the legal system, as it should work.

Our Small Claims courts - with these part-time lawyers presiding - may not work well.

For 14 years, I lived in the old Del Oro Apartments located at Robinson and Tenth Avenues in Hillcrest. It was my home and I loved it!

My landord was John W. Lyon, who owns lots of commercial, residential property. He is motivated only by money!

But, my privacy was important to me, and I didn't want the landlord or his staff entering my home unless I was there, or in case of an emergency. Those restrictions are protected under state Civil Code section 1954.

However, my landlord hired an off-site manager, Mrs. Alice Arrington; and because I knew the law, she didn't like me.

One day she posted a Notice to Enter Dwelling Unit for the purpose of checking my smoke alarm. That reason is not included under the provisions of section 1954.

So I sent her a letter on August 29, 2007 challenging her "Notice."

She didn't like that, and within 24-hours, an eviction notice was posted on my door.

In the law, that is called a retaliatory eviction, and it has long been prohibited in California law.

Eventually, however, I did move; at a cost of $3,103.81.

I sued John Lyon in Small Claims court, and added $2,000 in punitive damages, which the law provides to prevent a defendant (my landlord) from doing the same unlawful practice again in the future.

To prepare for the Small Claims trial, I researched and drafted a 7-page legal brief, plus 12-pages of exhibits (evidence).

Unfortunately, when the trial opened on September 11th, I agreed to allow one of these temporary "judges" to preside.


Attorney Jessica Rowland sat on the bench.

I gave a brief summary of my case as plaintiff against my former landlord, but then submitted my legal brief with its evidentiary exhibits.

"Judge" Rowland didn't even read the brief.

Her questions were not even on-point. They were NOT directed to the critical issue of whether the eviction was launched in retaliation for my letter challenging the off-site manager, Mrs. Arrington.

She ruled against me.

If I ever appear in a Small Claims court again, and am asked to accept one of these part-time "judges" who are just local lawyers, and have little judicial experience; I will quickly say NO.

In a letter to attorney Jessica Rowland, I wrote: "If you had taken the case under submission, read my short brief and then ruled; I would have respected you and your decision, but . . ."


Contact Leo E. Laurence, J.D., at leopowerhere@msn.com or call (619) 757-409