HillcrestBlog by "San Diego News Service" (619) 757-4909

"San Diego News Service" covers hard news, features and reviews for local and national print media, and maintains, "HillcrestBlog." Address: 3907 Georgia St., #15, San Diego 92103-3548. Our editor is Leo E. Laurence, J.D., Copy Ed.: Martin Brickson. Member: Society of Professional Journalists, Latino Journalists of California. Call news tips to (619) 757-4909 (days), Nights: (619) 220-8686 (fax also). leopowerhere@msn.com Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service

Sunday, November 30, 2008


PHOTOS show animal-rights demonstrators (bottom) protesting foie gras on the menu at the fashionable Blanca Restaurant in Solano Beach Saturday night. Very few diners passed the protest to enter, and nobody was sitting at the bar at 8:34 pm.
Attorney Bryan Pease and animal-rights activist Kath Rogers are shown (center) talking with deputy sheriff Craig Sakowski after Blanca restaurant co-owner Seth Baas complained. The deputy rejected the restaurant's complaint and told the demonstrators "I'm not going to make you move."

Third photo (top) shows demonstrators at the Jack's La Jolla restaurant, which has recently removed foie gras from its menu in response to the animal-rights protests.

Encinitas -- 11/29/08 -- Animal-rights demonstrators hit the Blanca restaurant in Solano Beach Saturday night demanding they remove foie gras from its menu. The fatted-duck delicacy is produced by painfully force feeding ducks and geese until their livers are diseased and enlarged over 10 times.

The Animal Protection & Rescue League (APRL) of Hillcrest has been waging a campaign for several years to force high-end restaurants to remove foie gras from their menus.

The APRL has been largely successful with its continuing campaign and Jack's La Jolla recently agreed to take foie gras off its menu (see photo of APRL demontration at Jack's La Jolla earlier this year).

The Encinitas demonstration seemed successful, as very few diners were eating inside at 8:35 p.m. and nobody was drinking at the elegant bar. Every time someone opened the restaurant's front door, diners inside could easily hear the APRL demonstrators chanting 2-4-6-8, GET "FOIE GRAS" OFF YOUR PLATE!

The restaurant owners knew the APRL demonstrators were coming. One of the APRL volunteers, Lisa Osborne of Scripps Ranch, met twice with the owners and staff to describe the extreme cruelty to duck and geese in the production of foie gras.

The restaurant's owners were not impressed. Indeed, the property-management company that operates the Beachwalk shopping center where Blanca is located, even sent an open letter to the APRL saying that the protestors "must be on the (off-site) public sidewalk, not inside our shopping center" because it "is private property."

However, that is not the law in California.

In litigation involving the Fashion Valley mall, in a case that went all the way up to the California Supreme Court, it was ruled that peaceful demonstrators has a constitutional right to protest on private property that is open to the public.

Ignoring the law, Baas called the sheriff when the APRL demonstrators showed up.

Deputy sheriff Craig Sakowski responded and rejected the restaurant's complaint.He told the APRL's attorney Pease and leader Kath Rogers that "I'm not going to make you leave."

In an interview with San Diego News Service, Baas called the APRL demonstrators "unAmerican" because - in these bad economic times - they were hurting his new business.

All the restaurant's window shades and blinds were tightly closed.

Several potential diners drove up, saw the large APRL demonstration, then drove off.

Some passing cars sounded their car horns in support. One driver shouted "Foie gras is a terrible thing!"

During a very brief encounter between co-owner Baas and the APRL's attorney Pease, the lawyer said firmly, We will be back as long as foie gras is on your menu.


Earlier this year, the APRL demonstrated at the 3-story Jack's La Jolla (see photo).

"Jack's La Jolla has just become the most recent of many San Diego area restaurants that have removed the controversial fatty-duck liver (foie gras) made by force feeding," an APRL news release reports.

Some fashionable restaurants are trying to avoid being targeted by the APRL's demonstrations by taking foie gras off their printed menus, but nonetheless offering it to diners on request.

The recent issue of San Diego Lawyer gives an "inside tip" that Avenue 5 restaurant at 2760 Fifth Avenue in the Park West neighborhood offers foie gras, but you have to ask for it.

"Chef Colin MacLaggan loves the ability to share a different take daily on foie gras; but, like most chefs in San Diego, keeps it off the menu," the San Diego Lawyer magazine reports.

Earlier this year, the San Diego City Council unanimously passed a resolution commending the APRL for exposing the cruelty of foie gras, commending restaurants that have removed it, and urging all San Diegans to boycott the fatted-duck delicacy.

The APRL is rapidly escalating its area-wide campaign against foie gras. A protest demonstration is scheduled to hit the Hotel del Coronado on Dec. 13th at 7 p.m.

More information about the APRL's activities can be found on-line at http://www.aprl.org/, or by calling its Hillcrest office at (619) 236-8991.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, Phone news tips to (619) 757-4909, Fax at (619) 220-8686 or on-line at leopowerhere@msn.com

Friday, November 28, 2008


PHOTO shows animal-rights demonstrators inside the Fashion Valley mall on Friday (11/28/08) protesting the sale of animal furs and fur trim in high-end stores. Police (on right) said the event was legal and couldn't be stopped by the mall's operators, though they tried.

San Diego -- 11/18/08 -- Parking became a total gridlock at the Fashion Valley mall on the day after Thanksgiving; the so-called "Black Friday," when retailers hope to turn their red ink into black. Yet, activists from the local Animal Protection & Rescue League (APRL) came out to protest the sale of animal furs at elegant stores like Hermes-Paris, Neiman-Marcus, Bloomingdale's, Sak's and Nordstrom's.

"We are educating the shoppers about the cruelty (towards animals involved in making) fur coats and fur trim," said APRL's attorney Bryan Pease in a on-the-scene interview.

"The way that animals raised on fur farms are killed is typically by anal or vaginal electrocution.

"The reason for that is the (fur-farm owners) don't want to damage the (animal's) coat, so they hook an electrode to the snout, then they push a probe up into the (animal's) anus or virgina. Then they activate a powerful electrical current and literally cook the animal from the inside out," Pease explained.

That electrocution is extremely painful to the animal.


"Two years ago, we did just what we are doing now," Pease added.

"But, the mall at that time had a policy against allowing boycott activity on their premises.

"They sued us, but they were also sued by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) over the same rule.

"That (NLRB) case went all the way up to the California Supreme Court, which ruled against the mall. (As a result), the mall dismissed their (civil) complaint against us, changed their policies and now we are back again.

"The Supreme Court said that, under the California Constitution, we have the right to expressive activity on private property that is open to the public. That right includes 'soliciting a boycott,' which is what (the mall's policy) opposed.

"There is no criminal law against expressive activity (demonstrations) on private property that is open to the public.

"However, while the law is unclear, the courts appear to have endorsed the permit-procedure requirement, saying the mall can do that. That requires demonstrators to first apply for a permit to hold a protest rally.

"It's still a gray area as to what constitutes a 'reasonable' demonstration," Pease explained.

The manager of the Fashion Valley mall, however, tried to convince a police sergeant that the APRL's demonstration was "unreasonable." It didn't work, and the sergeant told the manager, Bob Dougherty, that the APRL's protest was lawful.

Dougherty, however, denied that the mall had changed any of its policies regarding lawful demonstrations following the state Supreme Court's ruling.

Mall security officers refused to answer any questions about their duties at the protest demonstration, though they video-taped everything.

Was the protest effective?

Part of the demonstration was held in front of the elegant Hernes-Paris store. Inside, the manager, Dennis Voorheis, refused to answer any questions from San Diego News Service.

There was only one customer in the store at the time, a very fashionable matron. She quickly left as soon as the media arrived, saying she would "buy on-line instead."


Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, News tips: (619) 757-4909, Fax: (619) 220-8686, leopowerhere@msn.com

Thursday, November 27, 2008


PHOTO shows attorney Brian Pease, the pro bono lawyer for the Animal Protection & Rescue League of Hillcrest. Pease will lead a peaceful demonstration tomorrow (Fri., 11/18/08) at 1 p.m. at the Fashion Valley mall, protesting the sale of animal furs to wealthy women.

San Diego -- 11/27/08 -- A brilliant, young Hillcrest attorney specializing in the rare field of animal rights won a stunning victory in court against owners of the high-end, Fashion Valley mall.

Attorney Bryan Pease served as the pro bono lawyer for the Animal Protection & Rescue League (APRL) in that litigation.

Tomorrow, Friday (11/28), as a direct result of that litigation, demonstrators protesting the sale of real furs will hit high-end stores at 1 p.m at the Fashion Valley mall.

Pease is an activist lawyer who is using the courts to insure that animals are treated properly, and that they are not killed simply to provide skins from their cadavers to produce fur coats for wealthy women.

His APRL in Hillcrest (236-8991) -- mostly working with a large, dedicated army of volunteers -- worked hard to pass Proposition-2 on the Nov. 4th ballot. It will ban violent and abusive treatment of animals and poultry on large-scale, commercial "farms," that are raised solely to sell to butchers to provide meat and eggs for our supermarkets, like Ralphs and Vons.

Many months ago, the APRL was peacefully demonstrating at the major, fashionable stores in Fashion Valley that sold animal furs. San Diego News Service covered the story.

An army of Fashion Valley security guared decended on that demonstration. It was tense for awhile.

The police were called.

SDPD Captain Sara Creighton, the commanding officer of the department's Western Division, responded with about a dozen offices including a police lieutenant and sergant.

In no uncertain terms, SDPD Capt. Creighton ordered the Fashion Valley security guareds, and particularly the mall's manager who was on-scene, to back off.

The APRL demonstrators, Capt. Creighton said loud and clear, had a constitutional right to be there. If any Fashion Valley security guard interferred, that guard would be arrested, the police captian added.

To make sure the security guards and mall manager complied, SDPD Capt. Creighton (now commanding the SDPD Eastern Division) stayed on-scene for about 1-1/2 hours until the APRL demonstrioin had concluded. As is printed on the side of every police squad car, Service and Protection. And that is precisely what SDPD Capt. Creighton provided the APRL demonstrators protesting the sale of animal furs.

Having been rebuffed by the police, who refused to turn the situation into a criminal case; the owners of Fashion Valley sued in civil court to stop the APRL demonstrations on their "special" private property.

Unfortunate for the Fashion Valley owners, APRL's attorney Pease knew the law, and knew that there was current case law that gave the APRL constitutional and statuatory rights to demonstrate on the so-called, private property of the Fashion Valley mall owners.

Pease won in the civil court in that lawsuit filed by the Fashion Valley mall owners.

The court ruled that the APRL has a legal right to demonstrate against the sale of skins from animal cadavers, to make furs for wealthy women.

Therefore, the APRL will hit several, major stores in Fashion Valley beginning at 1 p.m. tomorrow, Friday (11/28/08).

Those stores include Sak's, Bloomingdale's, and also the ares between Neiman's and Nordstrom's.

"We are (going) to send a message to stores like Neiman Marcu, Bloomingdale's and Nordstrom's that compassion is the fashion, not dead animal skins," said Pam Harris, a APRL volunteer organizer for the Friday 1 p.m. event.

Demonstrators will also line the sidealk along Friars Road in front of the Fashion Valley mall with banners and signs.

Some radical animal-rights groups in the past have hit the headlines by doing dangerous and destructive demonstrations.

The local APRL is quite different.

It's primary leaders are attorney Pease and Kath Rogers ([619] 236-9514, cell: [619] 886-9259).

The Hillcrest APRL is using the courts to expand animal rights under the law, and it is very successful at it. That's largely because of the brillian, young attorney, Pease. He's soft-spoken, but what he says and does carried a tough punch.


Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, call newstips to (619) 757-4909 6 a.m. - 11 p.m., and nights to (619) 220-8686.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


PHOTO shows computer specialist Deric Stowell of North Park who has joined the staff of San Diego News Service as our Computer Systems Administrator.

San Diego -- 11/26/08 -- On-line journalism rapidly is becoming the primary source of news, features, etc. for most people, particularly the young. This is much to the chagrin of some - mostly older - print reporters/editors, who have printer's ink in their veins.

San Diego News Service has moved into on-line journalism, and now has BlogbytheLion.blogspot.com on Google. While it's technically a blog (often opinionated views of the blogger), our site is really a local source of hard news, features, arts' reviews and editorials (basic newspaper content).

Deric Stowell, a computer specialist from North Park, has joined the staff of San Diego News Service as Computer Systems Administrator.

We are continuing to maintain the Google site (HillgrestBlog) while we create and develop a new, expanded website.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Los Angeles -- 11/25/08 -- The state's Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) in Sacramento has agreed to investigate allegations that the Mormon Church violated state election laws in its massive support for the successful Yes-on-8 campaign leading up to the Nov. 4th election.

Mormons reportedly donated nearly $20 million to that campaign.

But, the Mormons also organized phone banks from Utah and Idaho, sent direct mail to voters and transported people into California over several weekends. They also produced press releases from the church headquaters, ran a Speaker's Bureau, distributed thousands of yard signs and organized a "surge to election day."

All those actions were geared towards nonmembers of the church, according to the sworn complaint filed with the FPPC by Fred Karger, founder of the Californians Against Hate organization in L.A. Under state law, those non-monetary contributions have to be reported to the state, which the Mormons alledgely Mormons not do.

The FPPC responded to that sworn complaint in a recent letter to Karger.

"This letter will notify you that the Enforcement Division of the Fair Political Practices Commission will investigate the allegation(s) . . . of the sworn complaint you submitted," wrote Executive Director Roman G. Porter.

The 4-page, sworn complaint filed by Karger is available at http://californiansagainsthate.blogspot.com/ .

Karger can be reached at (619) 592-2008.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Monday, November 24, 2008


PHOTO shows two rows of the La Jolla Playhouse audience of Xanadu, seated oddly on the stage (worst view of the perforance, from behind).

La Jolla -- 11/24/08 -- The ancient greek muses come alive (sorta) in Xanadu, appearing until December 31st at the Mandell Weiss Theatre at the La Jolla Playhouse on the UCSD campus.

The story line: In 1980, Sonny Malone (Max van Essen) is a Venice, CA chalk artist who drew a mural of an ancient greek panorama of Mt. Olympus where dancing muses play. Those muses, however, miraculously come to life and are the main characters of the play.

An attractive female muse, Kira (Elizabeth Stanley) falls in love with Sonny, takes on a fake Australian accent and wears roller skates. Her goal is to help Sonny create great art. Unfortunately, the muses' father, Zeus, has ruled that muses (1) cannot create art, (2) love a mortal, or (3) let a mortal know that he is inspir3d by a muse.

Sonny wants to turn an old, local theatre that's about to be torn down for condos into a thriving roller-disco. He meets the building's greedy owner, Danny McGuire (Larry Marshall), and the story begins to get complex.

There's a strangely produced scene of Mount Olympus where Zeus sentences Kira to eternal banishment for her transgressions. But, she is eventually saved.

Gays will absolutely love the lead character, Sonny, who is a young, cute, smooth-chested guy with sexy legs. He's always wearing skimpy, cut-off shorts to show those legs better. And, he's a great singer. Sonny was well cast.

But, the director unfortunately added faggish dancers who pranced around the stage in a way that insulted some Gays in the audience. They are even referred to as "girls" by some of the female actors.

This faggish stereotyping is the only major element of the play that is really disgusting!

Other leading actors are Joanna Glushak (Caliope) and Sharon Wilkins (Melomene). The dancing ensenble includes Jason Michael Snow, JB Wing, Tallia Brinson, Julius Thomas, Tiffany Topol, Vicent Rodriguez III, Kristopher L. Stock and Amy Goldberger.

The director, Christopher Ashley, who serves as the Artistic director of the La Jolla Playhouse, also did something really strange for this production of Xanadu. He put two rows of the audience on the stage (terrible seats, viewing everything from the rear). See photo above.

Performances are every night except Monday. Tickets range from $42 to $75. More information ia available at lajollaplayhouse.org, or by calling (858) 550-1010.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Sunday, November 23, 2008


PHOTOS show some of the protestors demonstrating Saturday 11/22/08 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel downtown, some of the TV news cameras recording the event, and organizers Tony Cochran, 21, and Carlos Marquez, 28, both of the Hotel Workers Union and active in the unions' Unite Here protest on Prop.-8.

Downtown San Diego -- 11/22/08 -- Nearly 200 protestors rallied at the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel adjacent to Seaport Village Saturday night, with 3 TV news stations covering the event live .

Weekly rallies at 11 a.m. every Monday are planned, according to union organizer Tony Cochran, 21, of the Unite Here movement dreated by the Hotel Workers Union.

New, young leaders in the Gay Community are rapidly assuming leadership after the dismal failure of the No-on-8 campaign produced by the "gay professionals," locally and statewide.

"Hyatt needs to make a choice. Where do they stand (on Manchester's $125,000 donation to the Yes-on-8 campaign)?," said another young union leader, Latino Carlos Marquez, chair of the union movement's Pride-at-Work campaign.

While some carried the out-of-date, printed "No-on-8" signs used during the election campaign, most carried hand-made signs. They included these:



Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Thursday, November 20, 2008


PHOTOS reveal several sailing ships operated by the Maritime Museum of San Diego, under full sail to commemorate the recent birthday of the museum's treasured SS Star of India. While at sea, our editor/photo-journalist captured these scenes as the Californian (1) fires its starboard, 6-pounder guns; (2) sails with its sister ships of the Maritime Museum, and (3) museum volunteer, 13-year-old Kyle Radwanski, plays his Scottish bagpipes on the main deck while the ship is at sea.


San Diego -- 11/20/08 -- With the light wind on your face, while standing on its wooden decks and looking up at the 7,000 sq. ft. of canvas sails above you billowing in the breeze, you feel the gentle roll of the sleek and powerful, 1848 replica of the SS Californian, a 130-ft. schooner.
The public can go aboard these historic, sailing ships on numerous trips locally and northward to the Catilina Islands off Los Angeles. Sailing fees are remarkably reasonable, even during these troubling, economic times.
The hard-working crews on the historic replicas owned/operated by the Matritime Museum, including the skipper, are all highly-trained volunteers who range in age from teenagers to retired seniors.
Founded in 1948, the museum grew out of the earlier efforts of a group of local historians and maritime enthusiasts. They acquired the sailing ship Star of India in 1927.
The Star is the world's oldest, active ship.
The Californian - an 1848 replica - was built at Spanish Lnading in San Diego bay. She is the "official" tall-ship of the State of California.
She has made voyages to Hawii, Mexico and our American east coast.
The Californian is fast, very fast.
Its captains often like to let out all the sail and get her rolling on the sea at high speed, easily passing larger, sailing ships like the H.M.S. Surprise, the museum's 18th century Royal Navy frigate.
The Surprise is heavy and slow, and easily passed by the sleek ship Californian.
Capt. Rex Stewart skippered the schooner on this commemorative sail. The ship's 6-pounder guns were fired under the supervision of Chief Gunner Chari Wessel of Clairemont -- who knew everything about those powerful and loud, side-mounted guns.
The chief mate was Scott Baldwin, who often also skippers the Californian.
Something strange occurred as the Californian, the H.M.S. Surprise and other museum ships did a 180-degree turn near the Coronado Bridge.
The Navy's guiden-missle cruiser, the U.S.S. Antietam, CG-54, was returning to port at the same time. Navy ships typically have priority right-of-way on the bay. Everything gives way to them.
However, noticing the SS Californian make its very slow and extremely wide U-turn; the Antietam suddenly stopped, dead in the water.
The Navy ship was giving way to the historic California, an almost unprecedent action by the Navy's cruiser!
The First Mate of the Californian wanted to fire a salute from its port-side, 6-pounder gun as a salute and thank you to the Naval ship. But, without sufficient time to re-load the ship's guns in time, the skipper of the Californian instead dipped its colors (the American flag flying from the highest mainmast).
And, to cheers from everyone on deck of both ships; the two ships were honoring each other, according to ancient, maritime custom.
More information about cruises and fascinating programs of the Maritime Museum of San Diego can be found at their website: http://www.sdmaritime.org/, or by calling (619) 234-9153.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


PHOTO shows the S.S. Californian (circa 1850, replica), firing its starboard 6-pound gun recently while honoring the birthday of the Star of India ship, moored along the Embarcadero downtown.
Both ships are part of the amazing collection of the Maritime Museum of San Diego. San Diego News Service will soon post an exclusive story of on-the-scene coverage of a recent cruise into the ocean by the SS Californian , which was manned by a large crew of trained volunteers from the Maritime Museum .
San Diego -- 11/18/08 -- San Diego News Service is now devoting most of its staff energy into providing exclusive stories, features and reviews on our new, on-line news service, using Google's "blogspot.com" technology, BlogbytheLion.blogspot.com .

Unlike many blogs that are largely first-person opinions of the blogger, the San Diego News Service on-line material will be all hard-news; but with features, reviews, editorials and news analysis clearly labeled.

While all our stories and news photos are copyrighted, all news media that are credentialed by the San Diego Police Department have expressed permission to use our material, but only with credit to San Diego News Service. Those in the media who are not credentialed by SDPD will need specific permission to use substantial segments/photos of our material, even with credits. That permission will be narrowly construed.

While our newsroom is located in Hillcrest, we will cover a good story wherever we find it.

Because of the enormous (and somewhat unexpected) popularity of our new, on-line news service; we are also getting excellent news tips from our on-line readers. People who know where the skeletons are buried are giving us news tips at (619) 757-4909 or e-mail at leopowerhere@msn.com .

Confidentiality of our news sources is guaranteed by California state law.

We also welcome Martin Brickson to our staff as Copy Editor. His eye catches everything!

Roberto "Tony" Araiza continues to provide San Diego News Service with a Latino perspective from the barrio.

Our staff is active in the international Society of Professional Journalists (S-P-J). Our editor, Leo E. Laurence, J.D., serves on the S-P-J's National Committee on Diversity. He regularly write blogs for the S-P-J's national website (SPJ.org/blogs/diversity). We are also active with the local chapters of : CCNMA - Latino Journalists of California and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.

Exclusive stories we are currently working on include: (1) an exclusive feature on the most "genuine" Mexican restaurant in all San Diego County, (2) a special birthday salute to the Star of India, of the Maritime Museum, and (3) some real dirt on a popular politician!

All of our stories include action photos!

Copyright 2008 by San Diego News service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


PHOTOS show some of the young guys are the Nov. 15th rally protesting the passage of Prop.-8 on the Nov. 4th ballot at the County Administration Building, and produced by Nick Moede of Numbers and Rich's in Hillcrest.

San Diego -- 11/17/08 -- Mormons are fighting back, very uncharacteristically!

In a highly unusual action, the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) recently issued a press release calling for "respect, civility in public discourse" (sic).

Some Gays say the Mormon press release is hypocritical, because there was "no respect, civility in public discourse" in their flood of Yes-on-8 TV ads during the campaign.

Mormons hit Gays & Lesbians nationwide extremely hard during their massive number of TV ads, which were full of intentional misstatements of the law.

The Mormon ad campaign was vicious!

And, the Mormons won!

"The Mormons tipped the scale in the ban on gay marriages," the New York Times said in a story detailing the huge (and allegedly unlawful) church campaign.

After the balloting, Fred Karver (Campaign Against Hate, L.A.) filed a formal complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission. It has jurisdiction over issues of money spent in a statewide election campaign, and has some teeth.

The Mormons spent lots and lots of money to pass Prop.-8: reportedly nearly $20 million.

Karger, of Laguna Beach, is a firebrand statewide activist, and far more effective than the "professional homosexuals" who ran the 'GLBT' No-on-8 campaign.

Karger has done his homework.
He has amassed a ton of hard-copy evidence of the alleged violations of state election laws by the Yes-on-8 campaign and the Mormons.

Karger is part of the massive army of very new, grass-roots gay militants (non-violent) who are emerging nationwide in response to the unexpected success of Prop.-8.

Another of his type of new, grass-roots, gay leader is the young, handsome Hillcrest businessman Nick Moede. He owns two, very popular gay bar attractions (Numbers and Rich's) in San Diego's very gay Hillcrest neighborhood.

Somehow, Moede managed to bring firebrand (don't mess with her) L.A.'s attorney Gloria Allred to San Diego as the keynote speaker for the huge - and fun - rally at the County Administration Building on Nov. 15th.

It was at that really HOT rally that so many of the cute, young guys participating stripped off their shirts exposing their bare chests as they shouted chants such as "SEP-ER-ATE, (beat) CHURCH & STATE!," and GAY!, STRAIGHT! BLACK!, WHITE! Marriage is a Civil Right!"

Meanwhile, several Petitions are before the California Supreme Court challenging the legality of Prop.-8 on several grounds. So, the issue will be around for awhile.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Saturday, November 15, 2008


PHOTO (top) shows the sea of protestors arriving at the rally at the County Administration Building on Saturday (11/15), with a cruise ship in the background along the Embarcadero.

PHOTO (bottom) shows the front of the estimated 25,000 participating in the gay protest march proceeding down Sixth Avenue today, led by a police escort.

PHOTO (middle) shows rally organizer Nick Moede with L.A. attorney Gloria Allred, who is lead counsel on Petitions before the state Supreme Court to overturn Prop.-8. Allred was the keynote speaker at the rally.

San Diego -- Sat., 11/15/08 -- Unexpected changes are occurring within the Gay & Lesbian Community, and particularly in San Diego. And, a nationwide gay boycott of California is being suggested.

Those changes became apparent during the long march and following rally in San Diego Saturday (11/15), which was part of the nationwide gay reaction to the passage of Proposition-8 on the Nov. 4th ballot.

Prop.-8 tries to amend the state Constitution by declaring that marriages can only be between a man and a woman.

That successful initiative on Nov. 4th ballot will - if it survives several pending state Supreme Court challenges - overturn the exhaustive, 162-page Opinion by the California Supreme Court in May that legalized gay marriages.

"A lot expected (Prop.-8) wasn't going to pass (on Nov. 4th)," said Casey Mathison, 28; who with his lover Dan Barnhart, 28 (both of University Towne Center), participated in the massive march Saturday.

"They didn't want to get involved," Mathiason added.

"A lot were suprised when (Prop.-8) passed on election night," he reported.
"That galvanized people," Mathison believes; resulting in some fundimental changes in the Gay & Lesbian Commujnity, locally and nationwide.

"We were distracted and got our asses kicked," added Barnhart.

When something kicks you in the butt hard enough, things can change dramatically and overnight.

People who ordinarily have not been involved in the Gay & Lesbian Community, suddenly are emerging as grass-roots, gay "militants" (a step higher than "activist," and short of violence).

Take Nick Moede, a young successful businessman in Hillcrest.

While Moede has been an independent thinker as a board member of the Hillcrest Business Association, he has seemed to be a quiet, busy business man -- not an agressive gay activist. He owns two, very popular gay businesses in Hillcrest: the Numbers bar on Park Blvd., south of University Ave.; and Rich's, which is the place for young, high-energy Gays to dance and party.

But, the success of Prop.-8 seems to have kicked Moede in the butt, and he suddenly and unexpectedly became a grass-roots firebrand.

Throwing in a lot of his own money to cover the enormous costs involved; Moede planned, organized and produced the huge rally at the County Administration Building Saturday (11/15). It was the cultural, orgasmic climax of the long protest march that started at Sixth and Upas three hours earlier.

Moede gave an inspiring, tough message in a speech at the rally that he primarily organized.

After urging the 25,000-plus crowd "to get involved," and "give money;" Moede hit the crowd with "the hard one."


"Come Out !!!," he shouted, with militant emphasis in his voice.


"Tell your co-workers!

"If you're not 'out' to your family, go home tonight and have that conversation!
"Don't be afraid to talk about your boyfriend or your girlfriend!

"Don't be afraid of people knowing who you are.!

"And, for all the awesome parents out there; when you go to work on Monday, tell your co-workers, 'I'm proud of my gay son!'
"Tell them, 'My daughter is a lesbian and I love her very much!'

"Its important for us to be open about who we are; because it's much harder for others to be afraid of us, or discriminate against us, if they know who we are.

"And, to all the supporters of Proposition-8, if you think homosexuality doesn't affect you; not only do you know several gay people, but I can guarentee you that there is at least one person in your life that you love and care for, that is Gay, " Moede said in his powerful speech at the rally that he produced, almost singlehandedly.

He spoke of an "Open Letter" to the people who managed the Yes-on-8 campaign:

"I pity you for your ignorance and intolerance, but I must thank you," Moede said. (That was highly unusual for the Hillcrest businessman.)

"Thank you, because through you I have found my voice.

"And through your deceitful and deplorable campaign of lies, you have given a voice to a whole new generation of (Gay) activists.

"You have given us the courage and strength to standup, and to say we will not accept being second-class citizens.

"And when you tell us that we can't be equal and we can't have the same rights, and when you tell us that we cannot marry; we will stand up and respond with three-simple words that (together with the Obama campaign) are sweepiong change across our great nation:

"YES, WE CAN!!!, Moede literally shouted.

Over 25,0000 also shouted that message as they marched in protest Saturday (11/15) from Upas and Sixth in Hillcrest to the County Administration Building.

And, there were marches earlier in the day in most, major - and some in smaller - cities nationwide, from Boston to Philadelphia to Washington and San Francisco.

The HUGE change in the Gay & Lesbian Community nationwide, and locally, is that these massive protests are being organized at the grass-roots level; and not by the well-paid, professional homosexuals who run the "official" non-profit Gay Community Centers.

Those non-profit "pros," and the "pros" that ran the ill-fated and ineffective No-on-8 campaign, were miserably ineffective.

But, new grass-roots Gay and Lesbian leaders are emerging and asserting themselves.

Moede conceived, created and produced the afternoon rally at the County Administration Building at the end of the long protest march from Hillcrest. Preliminary, estimated costs of that rally are $15,000, and came mostly from Moede's money.

Also, a few, grass-roots Lesbians organized the protest march, including Kelly Moyer, Internet Organizer. She "started with 6,000 invitations on Facebook," Moyer said in an interivew.

Sara Beth Brooks was the "lead March Coordinator," who was in charge of everything. The March cost an estimated $300-$400. About 60 volunteers were involved in the march, and another 15 worked the afternoon rally.

Everyone - marchers and protest/rally organizers - heaped high praise on the officers of the San Diego Police Departmenht assigned to escort the protest marchers.

Over 20 officers were involved, including three squad cars that led the march, and four motorcycle officers who were in front of the protest parade, clearning away all traffic and blocking incoming traffic from side streets.

Indeed, the commanding officer of the SDPD Western Division, Capt. C.J. Ball, was on-scene and in charge of all the officers continuously. Capt. Ball also walked the entire parade route at the front of the marchers.


Prop.8 may never become law. Several formal Petitions are currently pending before the California Supreme Court that will invalidate the initiative, if they are granted and prevail.

A nationwide gay boycot of California has also been suggested in Philadelphia.

Given the high level of anger that was found at the protest and march in San Diego today, that boycott seems to have a high degree of probable success.

"I think it's a fanatstic idea, and think Gays and Lesbians should launch the nationwide boycott of California immediately. They need to start thinking tough and BIG," said Martin Brickson, a retired straight engineer from Scripps Ranch.

Copyright 2008, by San Diego News Service, (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Friday, November 14, 2008


PHOTO shows the Nov. 8th protest march starting in Hillcrest under close police protection. 10,000+ participated. 20,000+ are expected at the march and rally tomorrow, Nov. 15th.

San Diego -- Famed L.A. civil-rights attorney Gloria Allred is confirmed as the principal speaker at a massive rally protesting Prop-8 tomorrow (Sat., 11/15) to be held at 1 p.m. at the western parking lot of the County Administration Building on Harbor Drive, just north of Broadway, according to rally organizer Nicholas Moede, owner of Numbers and Rich's in Hillcrest.

Attorney Allred is a nationally-known feminist leader who has taken on - and won - numerous lawsuits involving discrimination.

Other speakers at the 1 p.m. rally tomorrow (11/15) include A.C.L.U. attorney Ken Keenan and City Councilman-elect Todd Gloria, Moede reports.

The rally will be held at the County Administration Building, which will be the terminus of a massive protest march beginning at 10:30 a.m. at Sixth and Upas Avenues at the north end of the Sixth Avenue area of Balboa Park.

That march - which is expected to draw 20,000 participants, twice the number involved in the Nov. 8th protest march from Hillcrest to North Park - will proceed down Sixth Avenue to Broadway, go right on Broadway to Harbor Drive, and turn right (north) to the County Administration Building for the rally.

The Gay Community locally and nationally is electrified by the passage of Prop-8 on Nov. 4th. It will ban gay marriages IF it survives further scrutiny by the state Supreme Court. About 300 marches and rallies are planned nationwide tomorrow (Sat., Nov. 15th).

Three Petitions to kill Prop-8 are now pending before the state Supreme Court.


Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com


PHOTO (looking west) shows the massive Nov. 8th protest march against Prop-8 on University Avenue from the Georgia Street bridge, just east of Park and University boulevards. 10,000+ participated.
San Diego -- Gays will hold another protest march tomorrow, Saturday (11/15), starting at 1 p.m. at 6th/Upas Streets at Balboa Park, It will be followed by a 1 pm rally at the County Administration Building on Harbor Drive (north of Broadway) organized by Nicholas Moede, owner of the popular Numbers and Rich's in Hillcrest.

Moede is part of a rapidly emerging, grass-roots effort to organize local participation in the nationwide protest against the passage of Proposition-8 called Join-the-Impact.

That grass-roots campaign is an attempt to "do new and different things to get more people involved who have never been part of the process before," says Moede in an interview with San Diego News Service.

Many in the Gay & Lesbian Community are very disappointed with the timid TV ad campaign developed by the gay professionals who ran the No-on-8 campaign.

The pros decided against using images of happy, successful gay-married couples for fear the straights might be offended. Actually, straights were among the biggest opposition to Prop-8. That timid action by the gay pros is reminescent of the decisions of closeted gay pros in the late 60's, when they even overwhelmingly opposed Gay Lib actions by the Committee for Homosexual Freedom in San Francisco before the Stonewall riots.

Local community professionals initially organized the 10:30 a.m. protest march to go to City Hall downtown tomorrow (Sat., 11/15). The grass-roots organizers were independently planning the 1 p.m. rally at the County Administration Building on the Embarcadero. It was decided late Thursday to combine the two big events.

The protest march will now go down Sixth Avenue to Broadway, then down Broadway to Harbor Drive, then north to the County Administration Building for the 1 p.m. rally, according to Moede. 20,000 participants are expected, double the number on Nov. 8th.

"We are currently negotiating with a pretty big speaker with national recognition for the rally," Moede said in our interview. Once confirmed, the identity of that speaker will be released to San Diego News Service.

San Diego Police will assign a special contingent of officers, mostly on motorcycles, "to protect the marchers," said a police official.

The passage of Prop-8, if it survives challenges now pending before the state's high-court, will abolish gay marriages in California. The state Supreme Court legalized those marriages in May after finding the state's marriage laws limiting marriage only to straights violated the equal-protection clause of the state Constitution.

Prop-8 changes the state Constitution to require that marriage be only between a man and a woman.

There is some question as to when Prop-8 becomes effective. County counsel reported advised the county clerk to stop issuing marriage licenses to Gays the day after the election. But, as a matter of law, the election results are not final until after they are certified by the secretary of state in Sacramento.

Three formal Petitions are now before the state's Supreme Court to overturn Prop-8 on grounds that it "revises" the state Constitution, which requires a 2/3rd vote of the state Legislature. The supporters of Prop-8, largely Mormons, argue that the initiative that passed Nov. 4th only "amends" the state Constitution, and that only requires a majority vote of the voters.

The passage of Prop-8 has energized the Gay & Lesbian Community like nothing else in recent history.

That excitement has even gone nationwide! On the east coast it has been suggested that a nationwide boycott of California be launched. That boycott was first mentioned by the highly-respected publisher of the Philadelphia Gay News, Mark Segal.

"I think the national boycott idea is fantastic," said Martin Brickson, a straight retired engineer from Scripps Ranch. "It's tough!," Brickson added, and that is what is needed now, many believe.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Thursday, November 13, 2008


PHOTO shows last Saturday's massive 10,000+ march from Hillcrest to North Park, as seen from the Georgia Street Bridge over University Avenue looking east.

Los Angeles -- The Californians Against Hate organization has filed a formal complaint against the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) for not reporting numerous non-monetary contributions to ProtectMarriage.com.

The complaint was filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission, with letters also sent to the state's attorney general, Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and Utah's Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, expanding on the complaint.

Californians Against Hate was founded by Fred Karger of Laguna Beach, an experienced, long-time gay activist who also launched the national boycott of the Hyatt Hotels after San Diego's Douglas Manchester made major contributions to the Yes-on-8 campaign.

Specifics of the FPPC complaint allege the failure to report activities by the Mormons including:

* Organizing phone banks in Utah and Idaho
* Sending direct mail to voters
* Using the Mormon press office to send out multiple press releases
* Walking precincts
* Running a Speakers Bureau
* Distributing thousands of yard signs
* Organizing a "surge to election day"
* Sending church leaders to California
* Set up elaborate web-sites
* Produced at leased 9 TV commercials and 4 other video broadcasts supporting Prop-8
* Conducted at least 2 satellite simulcasts over 5 western states.

While these are normal for election campaigns, they become illegal when they are not reported to the states involved.

"The only mention of compliance was a news story stating that the Mormon Church reported a single, non-monetary contribution of $2,078.00 for a church elder's travel expenses for one trip to California," the California's Against Hate campaign reported.


A local segment of a growing nationwide protest against Prop-8 called Join the Impact will be held this Saturday (11/15), with similar protests in all 50 staes, reports Nicholas Moede, who owns Numbers and Rich's.

"San Diego will have TWO coordinated events," Moede reports.

"The first is a protest march that starts at 6th and Upas in Balboa Park at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The march will go downtown and end with a rally at the County Administration Building at 1600 N. Harbor Drive," Moede says.

"The second event is a protest rally on the lawn of the County Aministration Building at 1 p.m. after the march," he added.

About 20,000 are expected. At least 10,000 participated last Saturday in a similar protest march from Hillcrest to North Park.

For more information, call Nicholas Moede at (619) 988-2626.
"There is mounting anger in the GLBT Community over the outcome of Prop-8 in California," writes Mark Segal, publisher of the Philidelphia Gay News.

"Many want to blame the Mormon Church, over-65 voters or the African-American and Latino communities. Others blame the No-on-8 campaign for being poorly palnned," Segal writes.

Here's an analysis provided by ABC News:

"Whites voted very narrowly against the ban, 51-49 percent. Asian-Americans did the same. Hispanics voted for it, by 53-47 percent. Blacks voted for it overwhelmingly, 70-30. Blacks can be said to have put it over the top," ABC News reported.

"The poll numbers above are true not only in California, but also nationwide," Segal writes.

"They indicaste the truth: that (Gays) have not spent the time and resources on reaching the non-Gay, heavily church-influenced African-American community.

"(That) group understands discrimination. (Gays and Blacks) have a mutual pride in the election of Barrack Obama as president, giving (Gays and Blacks) common ground to build on.

"The Latino population, one-third of California voters, also needs to be educated (by Gays).

"(The Gay & Lesbian) Community is energized (nationwide) like no other time in this struggle since 1977, when Anita Bryant started a campaign to overturn gay rights in Dade County, Florida.

"While a last resort, a call for a (nationwide) boycott on individual travel and corporate conventions would be devastating to California. In 1977, the very young Gay Community was able to lower orange-juice consumption by an estimated 20 percent.

"Imagine what could be done today," writes the Philadelphia Gay News publisher.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


UPDATED at 3 p.m. Wed., 11/12
PHOTO shows Brent Corrigan (left), 22, and lover Janah Blechman, 33, both of Kensington, on the Georgia St. bridge with the massive march on University protesting Prop-8 last Satuday in the background.
Hillcrest -- Two more gay protests against Prop-8 are being planned for this Saturday (11/15).

Plans for a huge protest "at the County Administration Building" downtown were announced last night by director Nick Moede at a meeting of the board of the Hillcrest Business Association (HBA) last night in the Uptown District.
That event is set for 1 p.m. Saturday (11/15), assuming police give their approval, which is expected this afternoon, Moede told San Diego News Service. No final decisions had been released by Moede as of 5 p.m., however.

Moede is an owner of Numbers and Rich's in Hillcrest, and a board member of the HBA. Final details are expected by this afternoon (11/12).

Meanwhile, the LGBT Center in Hillcrest this morning announced a march from Hillcrest to City Hall downtown. An e-mailed announcement said "marchers will gather at 10 a.m. and step off at 10:30 a.m., with a rally following afterwards." No location for the rally was revealed.

"The march is currently schedule to proceed down 6th Avenue to city Hall, but organizers are working out the final details with SDPD," the e-mail from the LGBT Center said.
Whether the two Prop-8 protest events will somehow merge was still unknown at 3 p.m. today (Wed., 11/12).

Sound like community disorganization?

Strong criticism of the No-on-8 campaign is fast emerging within the Gay Community statewide. San Diego News Service first revealed that in-fighting in this on-line coverage of the over 10,000 march from Hillcrest to North Park last Saturday.

Many gay activists are now seriously questioning the No-on-8's timid tactics during the pre-election campaign, "including the decision not to show same-sex couples in (TV) ads," reports the Association Press today (11/12).

"The movement's leaders were 'very timid. They were too soft,' said Robin Tyler, a lesbian comic who created a series of celebrity public-service announcements with the slogan 'Stop the Hate, No-0n-8.' They were rejected (by the No-on-8 campaign) because they were deemed too negative.

"'We were lightweights on our side,' said Tyler," according to A.P.

The No-on-8 campaign intentionally decided not to show gay or lesbian couples, or use the phrase "gay marriage," in the few TV ads that did run in the San Diego area, according to Mark Conlan, editor and publisher of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

"It looks like some of those on the 'No-on-8' campaign may still be in the closet, and were uncomfortable with the idea of being proud to be Gay," said one young marcher last Saturday.

"Some Gays are complaining that their leaders failed to organize a visible and vigorous defense of same-sex marriage," the A.P. reported.

"Leaders of the campaign in favor of gay marriage say they made a strategic decision not to highlight gay newlyweds or same-sex couples with children in their ads for fear of alienating undecided heterosexual voters," the A.P. story continued.

"That (thinking and strategy) didn't work before and didn't work this time," Conlan added.

That's the same kind of closeted thinking that the Homosexual Community had in late '68 and early '69, when it strongly opposed the new, Gay Lib movement launched by young Gays in San Francisco - months before the Stonewall Riots.

"Where was all this energy before the election," asked a young lesbian rhetorically, as she watched a huge 10,000-strong march last Saturday from the Georgia Street bridge. She wouldn't give her name.

"Why weren't we here sooner," asked Jonah Blechman, 33, a local cinematographer whose work (Another Gay Sequel) appeared at Landmark's Hillcrest Theatre in September.

"This is people feeling the fear," added Brent Corrigan, 22, his lover.

"The absence of gay couples in the media (TV ads) campaign was a fatal error," said Michael Petrells, a veteran AIDS activist in San Francisco.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service, (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Monday, November 10, 2008


San Diego -- Tuesday (11-11) is Veterans Day, and because we have veterans on the staff of San Diego News Service, we will display the American flag, proudly.

But, many, many abuse the flag, and violate federal law.

For example, you cannot write on, or attach anything to, our national flag. When President "W" did so several times during his administration, he committed a federal crime (but, who's going to bust him?).

At the Sheraton Island Marina, while joining members of the Torrey Pines Sailing Club, I noticed a huge, fancy yacht nearby had a paper American flag on its outboard bulkhead. But, it had the words "Support our Troops," printed across it.

That violated federal law and a note explaining this was left. On my next visit to the docks, the violated flag had been removed. It's great to honor our troops, but don't dishonor the flag in doing so.

The white and blue in the American flag are standard colors, but the red is a special shade which is used on for the flag.

When flown at night, the flag must have a spotlight on it, except in combat.
Rules for saluting the flag by veterans, however, have recently changed.

Traditionally, only persons on active duty could give the military salute with the flattened hand touching the forehead. Often, veteran organizations (Am. Legion, VFW, etc.) have ignored this and their members have used the military salute.

Now the rules for saluting the flag by veterans during the playing of the national anthem, or as the flag passes in a parade, have changed.

Veterans may now use the military salute, even when they are not "covered" (wearing a hat).

Active-duty military, however, still must be wearing their hat to give a hand salute during the playing of the national anthem or during the pledge of allegiance.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com

Sunday, November 9, 2008


San Diego -- Two hit films that showcased at the Latino Film Festival this spring open at the UltraStar theatre in the Hazard Center in Mission Valley on Friday, Nov. 14th. A third film is an exclusive screening.
Perhaps the biggest is el Violin, which is the most internationally-awarded Mexican film in history! After the military seizes his village; a old, humble, rural musician devises a plan: to play up his "appearance" as a harmless, old violin player in order to return to his village with hidden guns and ammunition. This is a powerful movie in espanol, but with English subtitles.
The second film opening on Nov. 14th was featured in the Cine Gay showcase at the Latino Film Festival last spring and won the Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards. It is simply: XYZ.
This astonishing feature film explores the painful search for gender identity of a teenager who was born a hermaphrodite. Upon entering adolescence, the kid is pressured by parents to "choose" an identity. Handled with great sensitivity, XYZ won coveted awards at last year's Cannes Film Festival. English subtitles.
The third film that opens on Friday Nov. 14th at the UltraStar theatre in the Hazard Center (near I-163 & Friars Road) is el Bano del Papa (the Pope's Toilet).
It has never been screened in San Diego before, according to Ethan van Thillo, executive Director of the Media Arts Center of Golden Hills which annually produces the Latino Film Festival, and operates the esteemed Teen Producers Project.
The Pope's impending visit to a small Uruguayan town stimulates a flurry of activity among its poorest residents. They hope to strike it rich by catering to the needs of the expected 50,000 Catholic pilgrims who will visit to see the Pope. Convinced that his idea is the BEST, one man uses all of his family's savings to build a toilet that pilgrims can pay to use. English subtitles.
These three films are the final installment for the year of the Cine en tu Idioma monthly film series that showcase celebrated Latino films from worldwide, international film festivals.
The Cine en tu Idioma film series is funded largely by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and AT&T verse. Sponsors include Univision KBNT Telemundo 33, el Latino newspaper, V-Me KPBS, Radio Latina 104.5, la Mejor 99.3, Exa 91.7, Uniradio Group, el Mexicano newspaper, Yolanda S. Walter-Meade and the city's Commission on Arts & Culture.
For more information, call (619) 230-1938 (Ext. 101), or go on-line at http://www.sdlatinofilm.com/.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com