HillcrestBlog by "San Diego News Service" (619) 757-4909

"San Diego News Service" covers hard news, features and reviews for local and national print media, and maintains, "HillcrestBlog." Address: 3907 Georgia St., #15, San Diego 92103-3548. Our editor is Leo E. Laurence, J.D., Copy Ed.: Martin Brickson. Member: Society of Professional Journalists, Latino Journalists of California. Call news tips to (619) 757-4909 (days), Nights: (619) 220-8686 (fax also). leopowerhere@msn.com Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


PHOTOS show some of the young guys are the Nov. 15th rally protesting the passage of Prop.-8 on the Nov. 4th ballot at the County Administration Building, and produced by Nick Moede of Numbers and Rich's in Hillcrest.

San Diego -- 11/17/08 -- Mormons are fighting back, very uncharacteristically!

In a highly unusual action, the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) recently issued a press release calling for "respect, civility in public discourse" (sic).

Some Gays say the Mormon press release is hypocritical, because there was "no respect, civility in public discourse" in their flood of Yes-on-8 TV ads during the campaign.

Mormons hit Gays & Lesbians nationwide extremely hard during their massive number of TV ads, which were full of intentional misstatements of the law.

The Mormon ad campaign was vicious!

And, the Mormons won!

"The Mormons tipped the scale in the ban on gay marriages," the New York Times said in a story detailing the huge (and allegedly unlawful) church campaign.

After the balloting, Fred Karver (Campaign Against Hate, L.A.) filed a formal complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission. It has jurisdiction over issues of money spent in a statewide election campaign, and has some teeth.

The Mormons spent lots and lots of money to pass Prop.-8: reportedly nearly $20 million.

Karger, of Laguna Beach, is a firebrand statewide activist, and far more effective than the "professional homosexuals" who ran the 'GLBT' No-on-8 campaign.

Karger has done his homework.
He has amassed a ton of hard-copy evidence of the alleged violations of state election laws by the Yes-on-8 campaign and the Mormons.

Karger is part of the massive army of very new, grass-roots gay militants (non-violent) who are emerging nationwide in response to the unexpected success of Prop.-8.

Another of his type of new, grass-roots, gay leader is the young, handsome Hillcrest businessman Nick Moede. He owns two, very popular gay bar attractions (Numbers and Rich's) in San Diego's very gay Hillcrest neighborhood.

Somehow, Moede managed to bring firebrand (don't mess with her) L.A.'s attorney Gloria Allred to San Diego as the keynote speaker for the huge - and fun - rally at the County Administration Building on Nov. 15th.

It was at that really HOT rally that so many of the cute, young guys participating stripped off their shirts exposing their bare chests as they shouted chants such as "SEP-ER-ATE, (beat) CHURCH & STATE!," and GAY!, STRAIGHT! BLACK!, WHITE! Marriage is a Civil Right!"

Meanwhile, several Petitions are before the California Supreme Court challenging the legality of Prop.-8 on several grounds. So, the issue will be around for awhile.
Copyright 2008 by San Diego News Service (619) 757-4909 leopowerhere@msn.com


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